

現為 CloudMile 科技長,曾任偉康科技首席顧問、中網數位 COO, CTO, CEO、中時網路科技副科技長、友聯資訊專案總監、Keane Inc. Senior Consultant 等技術專家。專精於 Google Cloud 服務、大數據分析及機器學習技術。

Speeding-Up Game Production & Deployment with GCP

Pokémon GO was extremely phenomenal and popular all over the world after its launch in 2016, and what backed it up on the server-side was none other than Google Cloud. Its services were built on Google Container Engine (GKE) and utilized the lightweight virtualization technology Docker, and also the open-source container orchestration solution Kubernetes for global deployment. And Pokémon GO certainly is not the only hit game which uses these GCP tools.

As the strategic partner of GCP, CloudMile conducts this panel disucssion, inviting well-known game studios in Taiwan to talk about the experience of building services on top of GCP, and what techniques were involved in the process. One of the GCP representatives will also be present to explain about more possible applications, such as demoing Nuke rendering with Zync in GCP, so that developers can have a more detailed understanding of how to use Google Cloud to speed-up image processing, and the functionalities of GCP console, to save time and cost on backend deployment, maximizing the value and performance of your game projects.

* This session will be conducted in Mandarin.